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Rachel's Edit: Equity leads to Equality

International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of all women, and as a female entrepreneur, I am proud to be involved in this movement towards gender equity and equality.

There are many challenges that come with being a female working within a male-dominated industry, some of which I have addressed in my personal posts. I've been underestimated, and there are many occasions where I've not been taken seriously. However, I've also experienced the benefits of overcoming these obstacles.

One of the things that I am most proud of as a female entrepreneur is the input I have had into the team that Ross and I have built, and the beautifully inclusive working environment we've created.

It's important to us that the culture at Ouma is inclusive and that our hiring process focuses on the skills and talent of our individual team members.

We have made it a priority to create a workplace where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their gender, age, skin colour or background. And I know that no matter who walks through our door, our entire team would welcome them with open arms.

As well as creating an inclusive culture, it's incredibly important to me to continue to encourage my team to harness their full potential. I have been fortunate to have mentors who have guided me on my journey, and I am putting a lot of effort into educating myself to become a knowledgeable mentor for my team. I believe in continuous self-growth, and I know that by lifting each other up, we can break down barriers and create more opportunities for equality in business.

We may have a long way to go, but today is a perfect day to reflect on the progress that has been made towards gender equality, and to celebrate our own personal involvement within this, too.

Let's continue to support and empower each other as we work towards a more equal world for all people.


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